Reference/영단어 이미지화
appreciate 진가를 알아보다, 감상하다, 음미하다, 이해하다, 제대로 인식하다
study room
2019. 7. 1. 13:59
appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt]
-To recognize how good someone of something is and to value him, her, or it.
-To fell thankful or grateful foe something.
-Be fully aware of; realize fully.
Appreciate Synonyms
- Admire
Appreciate Antonyms
Appreciate 표현
진가를 알아보다 (감상하다, 음미하다, 이해하다)
His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
고마워하다; 환영하다
I’d appreciate some help.
제대로 인식하다
We didn’t fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.
가치가 오르다
Their investments have appreciated over the years.
시를 감상하다, 묘미를 음미하다, 미술을 감상하다, 음악을 이해하다, 높이 평가하다