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Reference/영단어 이미지화18

everyday 와 every day 차이 Everyday vs. Every Day: 헷갈리지 말자!영어에서 "everyday"와 "every day"는 비슷하게 들리지만, 의미와 사용법이 완전히 다릅니다. 이 두 단어의 차이를 재미있게 알아볼까요? Everyday (형용사)"Everyday"는 형용사로, “일상적인” 또는 "매일의"라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 주로 명사 앞에 와서 그 명사가 일상적이거나 평범하다는 것을 나타냅니다. 예시: Everyday life (일상 생활) Everyday clothes (일상복) Everyday routine (일상적인 루틴) Tip: "Everyday"를 "일상적인"으로 바꿔서 문장이 자연스럽다면, 올바르게 사용한 것입니다.   Every Day (부사구)"Every day"는 부사구로, "매일"이라는 .. 2024. 9. 6.
Illusion 막연한 환상, 환상을 만들어내다, 착각속에, 잘못 생각해서, 착각을 일으키다 Illusion 뜻 - An instance of a wrong are miss interpreted perception of a sensory experience.- An illusion is a false idea or belief.-An illusion is something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but dose not actually exist or is in reality something else. Illusion synonyms confusiondeceptionfantasyimagetripIllusion antonymsfactrealitytruthrightevent Illusion 다양한 표현cause an optical illu.. 2019. 7. 29.
exertion, 분투, 물리력, 권한의 행사, 과로, 하등 수고 없이, 힘을내다, 백방으로 힘을 기울여 exertion[-ˈzɜːrʃ-]exertion 뜻- having great physical or mental effort-the use of a lot of mental or physical effort- the application of a force, influence, or quality exertion synonyms-action-activity-application-attempt-effort exertion antonyms-entertainment-fun-happiness-idleness exertion 다양한 표현continue one's unremitting exertion 끊임없는 노력을 하다strenuous exertion 분투.undue exertion 과로.put forth exer.. 2019. 7. 17.
Halting 자주 중단되는 대화, 더듬거리며 말하다, 불편한 걸음걸이 halting[ˈhɔːltɪŋ]- slow and hesitant, especially through lack of confidence.-stopping often while you are saying or doing something, especially because you are nervous.-with a lot of pauses between words or movements, often because of a lack of confidence. Synonyms-awkward-clumsy-laboured-stumbling-tentativeAntonyms-adroit-clever-dexterous-easy-graceful 표현 a halting conversation 자주 중단되는 대화a halt.. 2019. 7. 11.
ensure 지위를 보증하다, 비밀을 보장하다, 절대 정확을 기하다, 내실을 다시지다, 안보태세를 확립하다 ensure[ɪnˈʃʊr] -Make certain that something will occur or be the case.-Be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something.-Make sure that a problem does not occur.Synonyms -establish-protect-secure-assureAntonyms-Harm-hurt-endanger-contradict- forget 표현- ensure internal stability  내실을 다지다-ensure watertight security 물샐틈없는 안보 태세를 확립하다-ensure the absolute accuracy 절대 정확을 기하다-ensure a .. 2019. 7. 10.
discipline 심신을 단련하다, 수양을 쌓다, 기강을 잡다, 훈육하다 discipline[ˈdɪsəplɪn]뜻규율, 훈육-단련법, 수련법-절제력-지식분약-징계하다-훈육하다-스스로 심신을 단련하다 표현discipline oneself 수양을 쌓다slacken discipline 기강을 어지럽히다behave with discipline 절도있게 행동하다discipline one's child 자식을 훈육하다tighten discipline among 기강을 잡다exact discipline 엄격한 규율stern discipline 엄격한 훈련undergo training discipline 훈련을 받다 2019. 7. 9.