반응형 실험노트/Flow cytometry3 Flow cytometry -Key parameters measured are scatter and fluorescence What type of signals do we see with Flow ?Scatter – Forward Scatter (FSC) parallel or Perpendicular FSㅊ– Side scatter (SSC) Fluorescence– FITC , PE, APC, GFP, DAPI (plus lots lots more) Scatter parameters & how they are measuredUnderstanding Scatter Signals FSC has some similarities to sizeSSC has some similarities to granularity and complexity Fluorescent Signals: A cytometer can detec.. 2019. 6. 26. Flow Cytometry 3 core systems 3 core systems – fluidics, optics, electronicsFluidics - The Flow Cell (Delivery of sample to laser intercept)> A flow cell consists of a liquid stream which it wills carries and arrange the cells properly. > The arrangement processes are important so that the liquid stream can pass as a single file through the light for a purpose of sensing.> use the principle of hydrodynamic foc.. 2019. 6. 26. Introduction to FlowCytometry What Is Flow Cytometry ? Flow= the motion characteristics of fluids.Cyto=cellsmetry=measurement Cytometryis a general name for a group of biological methods used to measure various parameters of cells. Parameters which can be measured by cytometric methods are cell size, the stage of the cell cycle, the DNA content of the cell, the existence or absence of specific proteins on the cell surface or.. 2019. 6. 25. 이전 1 다음 반응형